Regina Coeli and Rosary, Cardinal Comastri
From St Peter's Basilica, the Regina Coeli and Holy Rosary recited by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Vicar of His Holiness for Vatican City State
2020.04.17 Videó

2020-04-17 15:45:38
St Peter's Basilica-Holy Mass 2020-03-15
From St Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass presided over by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Vicar of His Holiness for Vatican City State
Videó ...
2020-03-15 13:10:18
Legek a világban, a világból
... földön

Vatican City - With a population of 842 residents, Vatican City also boasts the title of smallest state in the world.

A leggazdagabb város a...
2017-06-03 16:12:15
Érdekességek a nagyvilágból
... földön

Vatican City - With a population of 842 residents, Vatican City also boasts the title of smallest state in the world.

A leggazdagabb v...
2017-02-07 18:14:42
Világjárás körpanorámával!
... Saint-Maxime


2016-03-28 20:30:53
Ez történt - Április 26.-án
Special envoys from the Pope met with Hitler, who proposed that he was "doing Christianity a great service" with his policy regarding the Jews. The Vatican representatives described the meeting as "cordial and to the point."

1933 April 26, THE GESTAPO (Geheime Staatspolizei) (Germany)
Secret State Police was established. Afte...
2013-04-26 09:10:00
Ez történt - Április 26.-án
Special envoys from the Pope met with Hitler, who proposed that he was "doing Christianity a great service" with his policy regarding the Jews. The Vatican representatives described the meeting as "cordial and to the point."

1933 April 26, THE GESTAPO (Geheime Staatspolizei) (Germany)
Secret State Police was established. Afte...
2012-04-26 07:52:02

2009-10-13 17:30:42
Címkék: Regina Coeli, Cardinal Comastri, Basilica-Holy Mass, From St Peter, Holy Rosary, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Vatican City State, Holy Mass, Vatican City, BERNING AND MONSIGNOR STEINMANN, Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret State Police, leggazdagabb város, great service, representatives, körpanorámával, staatspolizei, érdekességek, nagyvilágból, leggazdagabb, christianity, established, világjárás, population, residents, described, monsignor, regarding, steinmann, basilica, smallest, comastri, holiness, világban, proposed, cardinal, világból, presided, vatican, történt, április, special, service, berning, gestapo, vatikán, cordial, geheime, meeting, germany, recited, envoys, secret, boasts, hitler, police, angelo, földön, maxime, rosary, regina, policy, vicar, state, coeli, város, april, point, legek, bbaff, videó,
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